Teaching in the prevention of tuberculosis: An understanding in the dental staff of the Hospital San Vicente de Paúl- Risaralda, during the year 2021


  • Isadora Blanco Pérez Docente investigador de la Fundación Universitaria del área andina, grupo de investigación los asépticos, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte, Programa de Odontología, Seccional Pereira, Colombia




prevention, tuberculosis, strategy, education, dentistry


The present investigation sheds light on how the dental professional in constant interrelation with diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB) from his environment interacts with the conditions that allow the prevention of the disease; this constitutes an occupational condition of risk for his life. The aim was interpret the teaching strategies for the clinical prevention of tuberculosis in the dental personnel of the San Vicente De Paúl-Risaralda Hospital. The study had a qualitative approach, of a phenomenological and hermeneutic type, having a comprehensive and interpretative scope from the philosophical foundations that confers us as a method where the dialogue by means of participant observation and the semi-structured interview as instruments of data collection, allowed the interpretation of knowledge from the perspective of the dental personnel, 3 dentists were included, the data were processed with the help of the Atlas.ti program. When analyzing from the perspective of the personnel, relevance is given to diseases, the concentration of the patient's attention in the oral cavity. When addressing strategies, absence constitutes one of the most relevant categories: Absence of strategies, absence of sense of belonging and responsibility in relation to the dissemination of information linked to Tuberculosis. It is inferred that clinical prevention is assumed as a superficial vision on the basis of assumptions made by the dentist; this set of features founds a culture that needs to be transformed for the good of the staff working in the Hospital and the social context that surrounds them.


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How to Cite

Blanco Pérez , I. (2022). Teaching in the prevention of tuberculosis: An understanding in the dental staff of the Hospital San Vicente de Paúl- Risaralda, during the year 2021 . ODOUS, 23(1), 41–52. https://doi.org/10.54139/odousuc.v23i1.420



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