Redemption of the guidance role and its implication within the framework of the new educational project




counselor, redemption, role, new educational project


The Organic Law of Education 2009, poses challenges to professionals who work in the educational field. In this sense, the counselor is assigned a role based on humanistic tendencies that interacted with the psychological bases of the student, for which reason he must work as a planner, advisor, consultant, action coordinator and researcher. The purpose of this study was to provide the counselor with an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary tool for their praxis, in order to achieve the development of autonomous, critical and social transforming citizens within education. The research was qualitative and the method, an ethnographic methodological design, the type of descriptive field research. The diagnosis yielded unsatisfactory results, which is why it is concluded that the educational guidance process in the institutions has flaws, so the model is elaborated and validated, so that it is implemented.


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How to Cite

Castillo Acosta, H. M. (2021). Redemption of the guidance role and its implication within the framework of the new educational project. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 89–109.


