Management strategic plan for the integration of students with autistic spectrum disorder into the regular classroom




strategies, management, regular classroom, ASD


The results of a research whose purpose is to promote the effective integration of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) into the regular classroom are presented. For this, a managerial strategic plan is proposed which allows to achieve this objective. The work was framed in the modality of feasible project, developed in three phases: diagnosis, feasibility and design of the proposal. In the data collection process, a sample of fourteen teachers from the National Basic School “Güere”, Naguanagua Municipality, Carabobo State was taken and a questionnaire with twenty questions polychotomic alternatives was made. The analysis of the available information shows the weaknesses in the process of incorporating said students into the regular classroom. The manager does not promote the adequate strategies and the teachers do not feel trained when caring for children with ASD; hence the need to establish actions conducive to their insertion effectively.


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How to Cite

Martínez Monasterios, A. E., Torcuato Sierra, S. J., & Sosa Flores, O. I. (2021). Management strategic plan for the integration of students with autistic spectrum disorder into the regular classroom. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 110–142.


