López-Tamés and Jesualdo: meeting points in poetry for children





poetry, exclusion, primary school, vision, López-Jesualdo


his attempt, approach to the research work segment of the inspiring source was to consider poetry as part of the teaching and learning process in the Classrooms of the Primary School. Given that it has not been given the place it deserves Being this Instrumentally powerful to promote knowledge. Regarding the phenomenological approach, “Introduction to Children's Literature” by López-Tamés and “Children's Literature” by Jesualdo are discussed with respect to the vision of these authors in their works. Under the following precepts aimed at the exclusion of poetry in Primary School, animism, metaphor, playfulness, among others in coincidence between both thoughts. Regarding the methodology, we talk about the evolution between the ethnomethodological method and the qualitative approach as an alternative option, based on experience and participant observation, in-depth interviews that will allow the construction from the space of appearance.


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How to Cite

Chourio de Martínez, I. J. (2021). López-Tamés and Jesualdo: meeting points in poetry for children. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 143–165. https://doi.org/10.54139/revcseduc.v31i57.102