Historical evolution of education politics in Venezuela





policies, education,, historical evolution, social development


The purpose of this article is to research the historical evolution of education policies in Venezuela and how it has influenced the social development of the nation. Educational policies are made up of all the actions corresponding to educational action such as mostly reforms in curriculum design, curricula, measures and programmers, as well as actions related to forming the profile that is desired to be obtained from citizens Theoretical research has been reviewed for this research such as Mudarra, (1962 and 1983), Dussel (2009) and Núñez (2005), Abreu (2010). The research method that was used is the by concluding, that since the beginning of the educational work, these state policies have been oriented according to the philosophy of the governing parties, therefore to the political interests of the government in a given context documentary.


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How to Cite

Navarro Miranda, N. J. (2021). Historical evolution of education politics in Venezuela. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 166–180. https://doi.org/10.54139/revcseduc.v31i57.103