Investigative evaluation and to technology on the university context




evaluative research, research, technology and university context


The purpose of this article is to aboard on evaluative research for the best performance within the educational space, relying on technology. The need to produce knowledge in areas of knowledge from evaluative research must be considered of special importance in all disciplines, with the discussion of the subject in the university education being on the rise; additionally, the knowledge about the conceptualization, characterization and the evaluative educational research; the use of information technology in communication with learning. Likewise, evaluative research activates critical thinking that leads us to strengthen reasoning skills that after an adequate assessment of achievement we will come to recognize whether we are competent or not, which poses a self-assessment process, a feedback process. Hence the need to achieve a positive final result, that confirms the achievement of competence in evaluative research in a clear relationship with technological processes within the university context.


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How to Cite

Camacho de Arao , I. C., & López Bolívar, J. G. (2021). Investigative evaluation and to technology on the university context. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 202–217.