Venezuelan crisis in the XXI century: reflection from its impact on university teaching and research. Bioethical implication




social crisis, university teaching, research, bioethical principles


Venezuela is going through difficult times, an unprecedented social crisis keeps it stagnant; there is not enough oil production, less gasoline and domestic gas. The industrial park has also considerably reduced agricultural and livestock production. All this promotes the current situation of poverty and extreme poverty where a large part of the Venezuelan population is submerged. Added to this crisis is the absence of moral and ethical obligations that government leaders should exhibit; military, civil and those who exercise a profession; that is, to act under ethical principles and rules that regulate and guide their activity, based on conscience and moral responsibility. Faced with this 21st century crisis, a bioethical platform is the key to action by Venezuelan citizens to reverse it. From the phenomenological and documentary approach, the purpose arises to reflect on the learning that emerged from this crisis; especially, the university teacher, how it has impacted him. Rethink about their actions and the attributes to strengthen and thus be able to share, transmit and teach from this Venezuelan social historical context.


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How to Cite

Lizardo Delgado, L. E. (2021). Venezuelan crisis in the XXI century: reflection from its impact on university teaching and research. Bioethical implication. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 278–295.