Management of investigative processes in disruptive times by pandemic. An experience in the venezuelan context




investigative processes, university education, disruption, pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic implied the use of virtuality, representing an abrupt change in many educational processes, in their institutions and responsible actors who weren’t prepared for this exclusively virtual context. Consequently, an educational experience was systematized with the eight participants of the Investigative Process Update Course (Cohort III- 2020), whose objective was to determine if the management of investigative processes in the aforementioned context, represented a disruptive process. A descriptive study was assumed (Bisquerra, 1989), with a documentary and field design (Arias, 2006), using the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. In the results obtained, the participants consider that, if investigative processes can be managed in a 100% virtual mode, but there are contradictions in the arguments about whether it was a disruptive process; denoting the complexity of intervening factors, such as attitudinal aspects and contextual conditions of the country. The valoration of this experience is an example of the innumerable efforts made by those involved in the management of formal academic processes, in the face of unprecedented situations experienced.


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How to Cite

Goncalves Rodríguez, N. (2021). Management of investigative processes in disruptive times by pandemic. An experience in the venezuelan context. Revista Ciencias De La Educación, 31(57), 63–83.


