Recurrent melanocytic nevus intradermal lipomized lip. Case report


  • Grice Rodríguez Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Venezuela
  • Conan Laya Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Venezuela. 1Laboratorio Anatomía Patológica Los Colorados, Valencia. Venezuela.
  • Gisela Sosa Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Venezuela. 1Laboratorio Anatomía Patológica Los Colorados, Valencia. Venezuela.
  • Julio Rodríguez Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia. Venezuela. 1Laboratorio Anatomía Patológica Los Colorados, Valencia. Venezuela.



recurrent melanocytic nevus, lipomyze, intradermal


Pigmented skin lesions are the most frequent, becoming the common reason for consultation in dermatology, with nevus being the pigmented lesion with the highest incidence. Nevus is classified by the WHO as a benign neoplasm of melanocytes that affects skin and mucous membranes with the capacity for malignant transformation, both pigmentary and non-pigmentary; It can appear in the oral cavity so the dentist must know and familiarize himself with this type of injury. The importance of nevus lies in the ability it has to undergo malignant transformation, so it is recommended that these pathologies be evaluated  when  presenting changes in color, size,  contour, surface,  asymmetry or before the appearance of pruritus, bleeding, pain, etc. A case of recurrent lipomized intradermic melanocytic nevus of the upper lip in a 66-year-old female patient with oncological history is exposed, it evidenced changes in its coloration, contour and surface, as well as the appearance of pruritic sensation; Given what was described, a complete surgical exceresis and histological study were performed, resulting in proliferative characteristics (proliferation of melanocytes) together with degenerative changes (mature fat cells), affirming the need for evaluation and treatment of any pigmentary lesion that presents clinical changes accompanied or not by symptoms.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, G., Laya, C., Sosa, G., & Rodríguez, J. (2023). Recurrent melanocytic nevus intradermal lipomized lip. Case report. ODOUS, 23(2), 135–143.



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