Ultrasonic activation during biochemical mechanical preparation of non-surgical endodontic treatment. Literature review


  • Gisselle Cantanzaro Odontólogo. Residente Postgrado de Endodoncia Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.
  • Nelsin Villaroel Odontólogo. Residente Postgrado de Endodoncia Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.
  • Diana Dorta Especialista en Endodoncia. Docente del Postgrado de Endodoncia. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.




ultrasonic irrigation, ultrasound tips, medication, endodontics


Irrigation is essential to optimize the disinfection of the root canal system, therefore, different alternatives should be considered that allow the irrigating solutions to come into direct contact with all the walls of the root canal, moreover, knowing that there will always be some areas that are not touched during mechanical preparation. The aim of this bibliographic review is to highlight the advantage of ultrasonic activation to enhance cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system during the mechanical biochemi- cal preparation phase of endodontic treatment. The electronic consultation was carried out through with the database: PUBMED, Scielo, Google Academic and Trip Data-Base, with the words “Ultrasonic irrigation, ultrasound tips, medication, endodontics” between the years 2012-2020 in Spanish and English. We conclude that the use of techniques and ultrasonic equipment at the time of irrigation of the root canal system during endodontic treatment allows a better disinfection and increases the predictability of treatment success. Additionally, ultrasonic activation results in one of the most effective methods for the elimination of Ca(OH)2, one of the most used intracanal medication during endodontic therapy.


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How to Cite

Cantanzaro, G., Villaroel, N., & Dorta, D. (2022). Ultrasonic activation during biochemical mechanical preparation of non-surgical endodontic treatment. Literature review . ODOUS, 22(2), 135–146. https://doi.org/10.54139/odousuc.v22i2.92