Probabilistic model of the relationship between ENSO and the occurrence of agricultural droughts in southern Peru


  • Juan Cabrera Programa de Doctorado en Recursos Hídricos, Escuela de Post Grado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú
  • Jesús Mejía Programa de Doctorado en Recursos Hídricos, Escuela de Post Grado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú
  • Edilberto Guevara-Pérez Programa de Doctorado en Recursos Hídricos, Escuela de Post Grado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú



ENSO, probabilistic model, agricultural drought, copula functions


In the article, the information on rainfall in the Province of Candarave, located in southern Peru, is analyzed and contrasted with different indices of the ENSO phenomenon to define whether there is influence of this phenomenon on the dry seasons in the region and build a probabilistic model using copula functions. The EMI (El Niño Modoki Index), ONI (Oceanic Niño Index), TNI (Trans-Niño Index), ICEN (Coastal El Niño Index), and the temperature anomalies ENSO34 (from zone

34) and ENSO 1 +2 (from zone 1 + 2) were analyzed and correlated with the three-month standardized precipitation index, SPI3, usually taken as an indicator of the occurrence of agricultural droughts. The results show that there is an association between the SPI3 index and the EMI, ENSO34, TNI and ONI indices at a significance level of 5 %. The goodness-of-fit analysis shows that the Gumbel-type copula is the most representative of the phenomenon being evaluated; therefore, the corresponding probabilistic model was built. The results allow inferring at a probabilistic level the possible occurrence of agricultural droughts based on the occurrence of the ENSO phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Cabrera, J., Mejía, J., & Guevara-Pérez, E. (2021). Probabilistic model of the relationship between ENSO and the occurrence of agricultural droughts in southern Peru. Revista Ingeniería UC, 28(1), 59–68.


