Design and implementation of a performance scheme for an e-learning platform




This article proposes the implementation of a transactional scheme for the optimization of access to digital resources (documents, multimedia files, among others) within an e-learning platform, using Moodle as a case study. The transactional schema consists of an extension created to act as an intermediary between the user interface of the e-learning platform and the libraries that manage the storage of data and resources. Additionally, request recommendations on the busiest assets on the platform from an external system. On the other hand, it implements an in-memory database, using radios, in which the most downloaded files by users are stored.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Moreno Caldera, Y., Mejía, G., & Hidrobo, F. (2023). Design and implementation of a performance scheme for an e-learning platform. Revista Ingeniería UC, 29(2), 184–193.


