Identification of hazard areas due to landslides on slopes due to soil saturation in the Mariño river catchment, Abancay y Apurímac


  • Guillermo Aguilar Programa de Maestría Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Lima, Perú
  • Ángel Maldonado Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes, Apurímac, Perú



In the present research, the problem of land mass movements is analyzed through an integrating approach between saturation conditions and landslides, evaluating slope stability by the infinite slope stability model using the SINMAP program (Stability Index Mapping), this being the application of a deterministic and probabilistic method in the environment of a geographic information system, for which the geotechnical and geohydraulic data available for the study area were collected in order to create a landslide hazard susceptibility map. The analysis was carried out on a regional scale through a geographic information system, obtaining detailed information through satellite images to obtain the geotechnical and hydrological characteristics with a field evaluation. For the validation of the SINMAP model, it was calibrated based on the literature of the values obtained and a detailed inventory of superficial landslides that occurred during the last 60 years, the simulated scenario being with eight calibration regions or land uses, the simulation was quite successful in describing slope failure landslides in the study area, identifying 70,69% of landslides, out of a total of 58 inventoried landslides in areas classified as unstable. The reliability of the simulation was assessed using a ROC curve classification model with 96,7% overall accuracy.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, G., & Maldonado , Ángel. (2023). Identification of hazard areas due to landslides on slopes due to soil saturation in the Mariño river catchment, Abancay y Apurímac . Revista Ingeniería UC, 30(1), 41–52.


