Comparative study of the mechanical behavior of stainless steel and carbon steel reinforcements, depending on their degree of corrosion


  • Julia Laura-Quispe [a] Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Av. Miraflores s/n - Ciudad Universitaria, Tacna, Perú. [b] Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid 28040, España.
  • Edwin Pino Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Av. Miraflores s/n - Ciudad Universitaria, Tacna, Perú
  • María Isabel Prieto Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid 28040, España.
  • Alfonso Cobo Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid 28040, España.



Steel, pitting corrosion, ductility


In this work, the mechanical behavior of stainless steel rebars was experimentally evaluated, as a function of their degree of corrosion, in comparison with the mechanical behavior of carbon steel. For this purpose, 16 mm diameter rebars of stainless steel and carbon steel, corroded in an accelerated way in a previous stage and with the presence of chloride ion as a triggering factor, were subjected to tensile tests in order to study the effect of corrosion on their mechanical properties and ductility based on the concept of equivalent steel. From the results it was possible to verify that the influence of corrosion on stainless steels is much lower than that of carbon steel, complying with the minimum values established in the European standards for reinforced concrete structures (CM-90, EC2 and EHE).


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How to Cite

Laura-Quispe, J., Pino, E., Prieto, M. I., & Cobo, A. (2021). Comparative study of the mechanical behavior of stainless steel and carbon steel reinforcements, depending on their degree of corrosion. Revista Ingeniería UC, 28(3), 399–411.


